What is it that makes us fright seekers love a good suspenseful, and in most cases very sanguinary, horror movie and possibly an even scarier night trying to sleep? Is there, lurking in each and every one of us, some cut of morbid eagerness or is it more simply the fact that it just makes for a more thrilling night of pondering about what every tiny little thump and thwack of your houses natural activity is? I myself think it is a mixture of all horror film after affects and unwholesome curiosity.
As i delve deeper into this perplexity i feel as though it could not hurt to watch a horror flick right about now and really investigate the different emotions and common twitter about my mind and body. It seems as though most horror movies do the same things to most people whether that be a pitting hole of uncertainty you feel in your stomach or the understanding that at any moment while that music picks up and the scene slows down something is definitely going to jump out ever so impetuously at the most inconvenient time.
Having all of this responsiveness at once can send the body through dramatic alterations, both physically and mentally. It is this that makes you feel alive and alert and why we seek the thrills of a mindless, yet tasteful, bash ’em, beat ’em, chop ’em up, roller coaster-like ride of emotion, on your toes horror film. It is why we love horror movies.